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I'm Debbie, mother of three delicious kids and I write about traveling with little kids. I have tons of family travel ideas in our Kid Friendly City Guides. My site also has tons of tips for traveling with kids

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What to Pack for a Trip to Great Wolf Lodge

We travel often enough that I can pretty much pack in my sleep. Still, every time we go somewhere new, I realize that we need something a little different than what's on my generic Packing Lists for Family Travel. Here are the extra items I found useful for packing for our trip to Great Wolf Lodge.

Tot splash area at Great Wolf Lodge
Tot splash area at Great Wolf Lodge
Personal Items and Clothing
  • Cute PJs for the kids. They'll wear them to the 8pm story hour in the lobby
  • Swimwear - I usually bring two swimsuits for each person to avoid putting
  • Beach Bag. If you plan to enter the waterpark before your room is available you should pack your swimsuits, googles and flip flops in your beach bag so that they're easy to access. Ditto on your last day, just pack your street clothes in your beach bag and carry the suitcases to the car when you check out.
  • Waterproof bag for wet swimsuits (A Ziplock works great)
  • Coverup for walking to the room - through the lobby, etc
  • Swim Diapers if your child is under 4. Nobody checks, but believe me, you don't want to be the parent whose child causes a "code brown." Children sometimes have an accident in the pool long after they have been fully potty trained. Swim diapers are available at the lodge, but not surprisingly they're cheaper out in the real world
  • Goggles
  • Flip Flops for Crocs for walking around the pool area and the resort.
  • Quiet activities (coloring or board games work well) to do in the room or lobby when the kids need downtime
  • A book to read poolside if your kids are old enough to go in the pool alone

  • Bring along snacks and any food you might want to prepare in your own room.
  • Since treats like ice cream or fudge can be a big budget buster, consider bringing along your own cookies or other treats as well.

What You Don't Need
  • Pool towels and life jackets are readily available poolside
  • Sunscreen
Related Links
Packing Lists for Travel With Kids
22 reasons to pack a ziplock bag when you travel

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  1. J Gross on March 17, 2011 at 1:26 a.m.

    Great Tips, personally i try to do that every time i travel. but my packing is more on the basis of the place where i am traveling to. like, if i travel to some beach resort or destination, i have a different bag for alll the things i am going to do, i have all the beach wear, sunglasses, lotions etc. but when i travel to a pllace where it is mostly hills and mountains, if do an altogether different packing. but keeping this separate does make your travel very comfortable

  2. Joanna on January 1, 2014 at 9:29 a.m.

    Great list. Here are some ideas if you have older children.
    If returning don't forget their wand! For the car ride or waiting for everyone to get ready: tablet, DS3 and games, book to read, stuffed toy to sleep with. Most important remember any meds: epipen, Zyrtec, albuterol, small first aid kit with band aids and neosporin, reading glasses, Benadryl, acetaminophen, anything else your allergist or other doctor has prescribed.
    Other great snacks to have: blueberry muffins for breakfast for the room, cookies, apples, bottled water.
    For electronics: sharper image travel USB hub from Bed, Bath, and Beyond, all cords to electronics.
    Adults: cell phones: if you split up you can call or text each other
    If you sleep with a sound machine you might want to bring a travel one.
    This will be our second time going to Great Wolf Lodge. I hope our list helps others.

  3. Julian's Storage on June 24, 2015 at 3:44 p.m.

    Flip Flops **for** Crocs for walking around the pool area and the resort.
    Hey, just wanted to say the for should be a or

  4. shawna on August 7, 2015 at 12:40 p.m.

    I'm heading to you Great Wolf Lodge next Thursday staying till the following Tuesday. I am bringing my son who is 7 & a friend that is 9 my husband and myself. Do not want to over pack like I always do. What is the dress where like as far as going to dinner .......
    . And just for every day thanks