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Books and Online Resources about Zambia

Fiction and Novels about Zambia

Before I leave for any trip, I like to immerse myself in books about the country. Sometimes that means reading about the local history, but more often I use fiction or personal stories to help me get deeper insight into the culture. Here are a few of the books that help me set the stage for my trip to Zambia.

North of South: An African Journey

Shiva Naipaul, brother of the famous author V.S. Naipaul, writes his humorous and sometimes unsettling observations after a trip to Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia in the 1970s. It's a great insight into attitudes among Blacks, Whites, and Indians in Africa that still persist today

Buy on Amazon: North of South: An African Journey

Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight: An African Childhood

Alexandra Fuller's New York Times best selling memoir about her childhood in Rhodesia, Zambia and Malawi during the Rhodesian civil war. It's an insight into the brutality and segregation of that society at the time from the eyes of a child trying to piece it all together.

Buy on Amazon: Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight: An African Childhood

The Eye of the Elephant: An Epic Adventure in the African Wilderness

The Eye of the Elephant is the riveting tale of the Owen fight against elephant poachers in Zambia's Luangwa Valley. This book, together with the Owen's advocacy work with local villagers is credited with reversing a trend that was destroying these magical animals and their habitats.

Buy on Amazon: The Eye of the Elephant: An Epic Adventure in the African Wilderness

Recommended Guidebooks for Zambia

Bradt Travel Guide Zambia

If you're traveling to Zambia, this is the most complete and up-to-date guidebook for the country. A history and culture section does a good job of outlining the most important information for you to know about the country, and the guidbook lists resources for visiting both the major national parks and more off-the-beaten-path destinations. The author's love for Zambia really shows through in this book.

Buy on Amazon: Bradt Travel Guide Zambia

Zambia and Victoria Falls Travel Map

If you'll be traveling around Zambia on your own, a good map is essential - and harder to buy on arrival than you'd expect. Here's a good one.

Buy on Amazon: Zambia and Victoria Falls Travel Map

Internet Resources about Zambia

Here are a few of the resources I found helpful in learning more about modern Zambia before my trip.

The New York Times gives a great overview of resources about Zambia and recent news while The Post Zambia Online, The Lusaka Times, the Times of Zambia and the Lonely Planet's Thorn Tree for Zambia is a great place to ask questions or to read about the experiences travelers are having in the country right now.

For a high level overview of entry requirements, visa issues, and safety concerns I like to review the US State Department Information Sheet on Zambia and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade recommendations on Zambia

Bill Gates talk after his visit to Zambia and Ethiopia gives a view on some of the struggles Zambia is facing, and some of the tactics being used to address them.

Unicef's Zambia Page gives insight into some of the issues impacting children in Zambia, as well as aid work being done in the country

For Zambian music, check out National Geographic's World Music Recommendations

I never did find a great Zambian cultural reference, but I was fascinated by this story about Nshima, the Zambian staple food and this one about Zambian Greetings

Got a great resource about Zambia? Share it in comments

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  1. Iain Macdonald on June 13, 2015 at 2:23 a.m.

    Please have a look at this book. It is a very strong promoter of Zambia and its natural resources.

  2. Iain Macdonald on June 15, 2015 at 6:32 a.m.

    Iain Macdonald worked in the North Luangwa National Park Zambia alongside Mark and Delia Owens. His camp is mentioned in their book, Eye of the Elephant.