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Children's Travel Book Review: Wee Gillis

Wee Gillis by Munro Leaf is a great book for kids headed to Scotland
Wee Gillis by Munro Leaf is a great book for kids headed to Scotland

Did you read Wee Gillis as a child? In this Caldecott Honor winning book by the author of The Story of Ferdinand, a Scotsman who was half highlander and half lowlander tries to figure out which part of his family he "belongs" to. Not knowing exactly which heritage to follow, he tries both and eventually the strength he gains by learning both traditions fuels him to find his own way in the world. It's a story that still fits well today, especially for my own half-Jewish half-Persian kids.

Wee Gillis by Munro Leaf
Wee Gillis by Munro Leaf

The simple illustrations provide fuel for a child's imagination, in a way that today's high-resolution, full-color printing doesn't always leave room for, drawing all three of my kids (age 7, 6, and 3) into the story.

I bought Wee Gillis at my own expense. Regardless of who pays, reviews on DeliciousBaby always reflect my true opinion. If you make a purchase using one of the Amazon links on this page, I receive a small commission, and that income helps me keep this site going.

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Buy: Wee Gillis on Amazon
Children's Books about Scotland

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